As Isaac reminds ME in this letter of the need for faith, I am challenged by that reminder. I ask you boldly to help us give hope to the other Isaac's we will be meeting on this trip.
PO Box 5303
Jackson, Ms 39296
Dear Friends who have supported me in my PhD studies,
I am writing to express my profound gratitude to you for the'risk' you took in investing in me. The word 'risk' may not be an appropriate term, but when you choose to invest in someone you take a risk because you cannot tell with accuracy what the outcome of your investment will look like. And so when EAFC happened to select me as a potential suitable candidate to invest in, you did it by faith.
By God's grace, what you have done has paid off...... I have been awarded a degree of PhD from the University of Manchester.
What next?..... I am joining the faculty t the Shalom University of Bunia (DRC) as a theological educator. I will also be joining the Brethren Church of Bunia, my home church, as one of the church elders. ..... The need for the transformation of the church in Congo and the Congolese society through Christ is massive........ We therefore badly need your prayers to help us fulfill this great mission. One of the ten top prayer items on my list is this: that the biblical study I have done on the issue of interpersonal forgiveness will profoundly deepen my ministry and make it powerful for the cause of the gospel and for the healing of terrible wounds in my Congolese society and church.
Once again, thank you so much for what you mean to me, to my family and the church of Christ in Congo. You re among those who made my dream come true.
With sincere gratitude,
Isaac K. Mbabazi,
Lecturer at Shalom University of Bunia
DR Congo