Friday, December 23, 2011

Same But Different

On January 10, 2012 I begin a new chapter using my training in Communication.  I will begin teaching two classes of Speech Arts at Jackson State University.  I am both excited and apprehensive about this.  But then that's where same comes in.  I felt both excitement and apprehension last January as I embarked on teaching at ABCU in Liberia.

So, what's different?  Besides being a year older, I hopefully have grown in this past year so that the woman who begins teaching this Spring semester is not just older but wiser as well.  I guess others will have to be the judge as to whether or not my perception is actually a reality.  But then I'd rather have the affirmation of God that somehow He has used the trials, experiences, and lessons of this past year to make me not only a better teacher THIS SPRING but a better child of the King.

On the same front though, it's the same that buckling down to create lesson plans is a daunting task.  It's the same that I like teaching.  But it's different  in the pay I receive (smile) and the distance I have to travel in order to teach.  It's also different the amount of  different preparations I have to make.

It felt SIMILAR,  however, the other day when I went to campus to fill out final papers and pick up my textbook.  In the coming months, those who read my blog will receive more details on those similarities, that is after I figure out what is going on in me that makes me sense that working in two different worlds might not be as different as one would expect!

Merry Christmas! I'm 2/3 of the way ready with Christmas dishes I need to prepare for our family gathering.  Now, I think I'll do a little preparing for January 10, a date fast approaching.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Today, I'm Pumped Up

Don't you just LOVE to get PUMPED UP?  I do, and I haven't been lately.  Today, however, I am.  Why?  Well, I'm dreaming again, and to me dreams make my eyes twinkle!   I just finished reading a book It's Rising Time  by Kim Kiyosaki.  I "happened" to hear the author interviewed on the radio 2 weeks ago.  That interview resonated with my spirit.  (Yes, I do think that those "gut" reactions are often an answer to prayers.)  At first I'm sure I didn't see reading a book as connecting the dots to varied prayers I was praying at the time, but today I think I do.

Today I'm pumped up because I think I'm beginning to see ways that my prayers are connecting "other" prayers that I thought had been totally unrelated.

Let me try to explain.  EAFC started "Women of Purpose chapters" a few months ago.  Because I'm not in the office on a regular basis, I'm not real sure how many WOP chapters we have, but in MY HEART, they're something that I want to see develop.  Why?  How?  When?  For what purpose?  I'm not sure I can even answer all those questions myself YET.  I just CARE DEEPLY that women all over the world grow/ spiritually, educational, physically.  I want today's women and tomorrow's women to believe in their God given gifts, potential.  I want them to know they "can do all things through Christ who strengthens them."

WOP's only relate to EAFC as a possible frame around the picture that is OUR CORE.  At our core, we partner with churches in Africa who identify and work with us in training Africa's future leaders.  Focusing on women's special needs is an aspect of that vision that I'm hoping churches will want to embrace, but whether or not they do, I can't say.

What I have gotten pumped up about today is my personal vision.  I want to VISIT WOP chapters.  I want to help WOP chapters get started.  I want to play over the holidays the new game I've just ordered  CASHFLOW.  I'm dreaming that I'll learn a lot, and that what I learn can be passed on to women in Jackson, around Mississippi and ultimately to my friends in Africa.

Will it happen?  ABSOLUTELY on some level, I believe it will.  The Bible tells us that without a vision the people perish.  In this book I just finished, I read about Trina, a lady who grew up "in the hood" in South Chicago.  "She's had her winning days and her learning days."

I read about Rita who was born in Kenya.  "Rita's cultural upbringing was one in which men, not women were brought up to be the business person and money-maker."  That's been the world I've lived in too.  Yes, I know many American women wouldn't identify with what I just wrote, but that's been "my story".  

My story, however, is changing.  And therefore, today I'm PUMPED UP.  I'm looking to the future again.

I wrote in one post not too long ago that I was struggling with "LETTING GO."  I'm finding though that  I don't really HAVE TO LET GO of HOPE, EDUCATION, LEARNING, LISTENING and SHARING what I learn.  I just have to let go of whatever is holding me back from doing what God has planned for me now.

So, what does this have to do with Africa?  Hopefully, that's clear, but if not, I'll say it again.  I plan on sending this post to my WOP friends.  I want them to join me in this adventure.  And yes, I'm thinking, maybe, just maybe I might get to see them again!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

HOW to leave comments! Get adventuresome and try it!

AHHHHHH,  a friend told me what she does to make comments on this blog!  TRY it!  We could have fun, don't you think?

I went though the steps and here is what I do:
  • Click Post Comment
  • Write comment
  • Click Comment as: (then on arrow to right choose Google. I have an account.)
  • Type Word verification.
See if this works.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Friends, and Their Dreams

Jamaima wants to do media editing.  She's praying that her church can get a MAC computer
to help her.  One of her professors in communications introduced her to MAC's.
I chatted with her today on Facebook.  One request:  "Pray that I have health."  I asked her
if she's been sick.  "No, she said, but I pray for health anyway."
Hummmm, I think I take health for granted.
Good reminder to me, Jamaima!  Thanks!!!!

Emmanuel was dressed sharp for the ABCU rededication when Franklim Graham came.
He needs a masters in education.  His Mother started the
Betty Jonah Orphanage for those who have followed this blog for a while.
Emmanuel brought a young man to the States
this past summer for surgery on his hands.

Bishop Augustin told me to tell the EAFC students and alumni
2 things:  Tell them to keep in touch with one another when
there is NOT a TEAM from the U.S. to remind them of
its importance, AND
Tell them that what you do for this
Will you make it easier this December by giving?
Today I heard from another student that I taught last February through April in Liberia. I am keeping up with Jamaima, Malue, Latoypoe, Emmanuel, Linda and more. I am hearing from church leaders with the Evangelical Church in Liberia too. Africa stays in my emails, In my heart, and in my prayers. I don't want to close this blog because I don't want you,my friends, to forget Africa either. My friends are praying for me as I Pray for them. They have been commenting on Cain's getting out of the race today. America's politics are more important to them than their politics are to us until AFTER they have genocides. I know when Rwanda was going through their nightmare in 1994, I had a reaction then that was typical of most Americans. I didn't then YET have friends in Rwanda. Today, I do. And I hope you are becoming friends too with Addy, Fancine, Bishop Augustin, Jean Paul, Lydie etc etc. don't like leaving any of them out. So I want you to be friends with my friends. If we can't all go to Africa , we can stay connected through prayer! After all, we will be neighbors someday in heaven! ( I will post a picture when I get to my computer)
Malue, Neah is his last name, but it's the name he wants us to call him.
He is one of my best students from when I taught at ABCU in Liberia.
He wants to, and I'd like for it to work out for EAFC to help him
get a Masters in Education.  Pray with me that his church
will catch the vision and partner with us.