Saturday, February 25, 2012

Getting ideas that excite me

My niece virtually introduced me to Jamie the Very Worst Missionary.  I already like her.  She's cute.  She's honest.
like these examples from her blog

  • I'm about loving my husband and sons.  I wish I was way, WAY better about this.
  • I'm about organic discipleship.  the kind that happens naturally.  Although, I usually just call it....ya know.... friendship.
  • I'm not about leading
  • But I am about instigating.  I'd rather we walk alongside each other in this life, than one in front of the other.  But if I see that you need a push, I'll get behind you... and I hope you'll do the same for me.
  • I'm about words.  All of them.  Even the ones you don't like.I'm not about turning people into projects.  If I'm spending time with you, it's because I like you.
  • I'm learning to be more about Jesus and less about me.  It's way harder than it sounds.
See how Jamie has given me ideas?  I get ideas from friends in Africa too, and some from going to missions conferences right here in Jackson.
This is ME loving on my friend, Mary who I haven't seen in a while.

When I left Africa November, 2011, I didn't see how I could be going back any time soon.
But since then EAFC is being led by the Board again.  And it really is fun to watch!

You've heard,  "For God so loved the world that He didn't send a committee."  Well, thankfully God isn't averse to using committees to do less serious work than securing our salvation.  Actually, Communication itself is sooooooo complicated on ANY LEVEL, that you really do know when something goes well, that it's an act of God.
That's what's happening now.  And I like being a part of the team.

WHICH REMINDS me of how much can change in a real short amount of time.  IF we keep selling African products like we did this weekend at this latest missions conference, someone might need to make a trip to Africa to buy more.

Think that could be me?  Just kidding, not sure I'm quite ready to go again so soon, but I want to stay available!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


TODAY with rain, rain, rain in Jackson, Ms dedicated men moved EAFC's "stuff" to its new home at Trinity Presbyterian Church. 
 That church has blessed this ministry more than I can describe!  Board meetings in their session room, banquets in their fellowship hall, month after month gifts, board members who have shared their wisdom.

Without "advertising" EAFC has "talked" informally with two quality individuals about the opening we have for a seasoned executive director.  We have sought counsel from wise people who have suggested that we take this process VERY SLOWLY.  So, you may have to hang in with us a while, but please stay with us, at least in prayer!  BOTH individuals have told us that EAFC is "a business model easy to accept."  One of them said,  I've sold things before harder to sell than this.  Now, that was affirming!

But I titled this post opportunities.  What did I mean?  Tomorrow I get to go "to the country".  There's a small church in Learned, Ms where I've heard there are more Presbyterians than Baptist there.  In Sunday School, I get to share some of the stories I've been collecting, and you've been reading for a while now.  I wish I could ask you which ones to tell!  I love audience analysis.  Can you tell I'm teaching Speech Arts these days, using professional jargon. ha!

Opportunity Two  will be next Saturday at a church brunch during their missions conference.  I think I'll wear one of my African dresses that day.  Should I go Rwandan which kind of surprises people because it seems more Indian than African?  Should I wear Malawian embroidery?  Should I wear tied died colors?

These and other opportunities are encouraging me lately.  Sometimes when you're "asked" to "dance", you go with confidence that your story is wanted, that you are not questioning whether the other person wants you.  Hummm,  just think I got into the mind of a man by visualizing how scary it must feel to ASK the girl to dance with him.

I only post when the "spirit moves".  And it's always fun to realize that growing through Africa keeps on happening, just like it has for my friend Rachael.  Before she married she spent 2 years in Kenya using her FASHION training in a refugee sewing project.  BEFORE THAT, she worked for EAFC learning about Africa.  Now, she's married  (yes, to the husband she met IN AFRICA) and they are living in Denver while he is in graduate school.  And yes opportunities surround her too, sharing with refugees in Denver what she's learned when living in their part of the world.

See why I titled this OPPORTUNITIES?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Creating a Relay

This thought just entered my mind; picture runners passing on the torch. It's easy to connect runners with Africa, so I think my metaphor might work!  Amazima is relatively new to me, but after reading KISSES FROM KATIE, I am even more impressed by what they are doing in Uganda.

EAFC works in Uganda too, but not with the same age people that Amazima does.  What follows is a piece that I wrote summing up my thoughts after finishing the book.

In circles I run in Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis has recently been the rage.
"Have you ever been to Uganda?" I am asked by many who seem touched by Katie's book.  Many who ask me this are aware if they thought about it  that  I was a part of a team that  in 2003 had a serious car accident in Uganda.  But I really know that geography isn't what these friends are focusing on.
I think they want to know whether or not I connect with them and what they are reading and through the book experiencing.  They are acknowledging that Uganda has previously been one of those ubiquitous African countries that blend into a generalization in their minds of everything they want to avoid.
Questions such as these race through many minds even when they don't verbalize them-----  What could make one want to go to Africa? Is Africa always hot, ever cold, all jungle,or mostly desert? Are there game parks in all the countries?  Is it really six times the size of the U.S.? Wow. you can just hear them trying to grasp that statistic.
But suddenly Katie has put names to the statistics.  Of the over 33 million citizens in Uganda  over half are under 14 years of age., You add names like Prossy, Agnes, Sarah and Grace and now the statistics tell a story.. Katie claims 14 of these precious souls as "MINE," 
There are 20 chapters in Katie's book. I started it 4 days ago, and I’ve read it all!. Even in a crowded weekend full of wedding festivities,I have found time to read.(It didn’t hurt that I had lots of time traveling. ha!)  And yet, I think it’s easy to see that the book grabbed me.  Part of my fascination has been the points of identification. I was in Uganda this past October. I have many, many friends there.  EAFC's second student lives there with his wife and three children. I saw the source of the Nile River.  I even went to Amazima headquarters when I was in Jinja.(  .  I strategized with Amazima's program director.
So when I read about PATRICK in chapter three,I nearly  leaped up out of my seat  "Oh, Barry," I said to my husband.  "This is the prospective student Amazima has asked us to scholarship."
Why was I so excited, you might ask.  I can tell you.  Katie connects head and heart in her book.  When you read it, you become both convicted and challenged at the same time. One thing that has often made me feel inadequate concerning EAFC is finding a way of simplifying the story so that friends who hear about the needs say, "Oh,I could help there!"
Maybe, just maybe Kisses from Katie will provide that point of connection so people can see EAFC being an extension of what Katie is doing.  When the Agnes's and Sumini's grow up, we take over.  An educated populace doesn't need to stop when they reach age 14 but when the process is totally complete. And THAT is my prayer that EAFC be the vehicle God uses to complete that process!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

OK Sometimes Life Does Feel Like an Adventure!

One quick update

As I have told you for a while, EAFC is still as much a part of my heart as ever. No, that's not right. It is MORE!
Because I have seen the good it does; I know really quality people in which we can build, to make more relationships. Just today I "chatted" on Facebook with a pastor in Liberia who offered to help EAFC. And he is the kind of help that I believe who really benefit the ministry.

But what I was saying is that for EAFC to increase, other talent needs to step in. Barry and I need to DECREASE. SOME HAVE QUESTIONED THAT,but I believe it is true.

The excitement is that as I have been trying to process the latest fallout regarding staff, without any effort on our part, we have leads on two men with great potential.

See why I am excited?
Stay tuned. Tomorrow, the Board meets to take up this interim time. Here is the adventure part again. The chair called this meeting one week ago and every single board member has said they would be there. How often does that happen?