Today, May 24, has been a day to MARK as special, a day that will go down as significant. "Why?" you might ask.
Well, in 1996 Barry and I met Japhet Mchakulu, a young man who had just graduated from ABC in Malawi. When we knew him then he was managing the radio station on campus. That tells you a little about how ABC leadership on campus felt about him. We shared their admiration, but as we got to know him, well, he became "my African son". In 1998 he came to Mississippi College and in 2000 he graduated with a master's in Communication. That in a nutshell is how EAFC came into being.
TODAY, EAFC embraced its future. Today, I got to announce at the Liberian recap meeting that Sarah Sullivan is the new Executive Director of EAFC.
I've known Sarah for three years now. I'm always honored when the very young want to take walks with me, to meet me for a cup of coffee etc. For 3 years, Sarah and I have gotten better and better acquainted. Neither of us every envisioned what has transpired in the past few weeks. For as Sarah wrestled between February and May over determining God's next step in her life, I kept listening and empathizing with her. BUT WHILE I WAS IN LIBERIA, I couldn't get her off my mind. I knew she fit SOMEHOW in what was happening with me, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out how. About 3 weeks ago, as we had coffee together and she shared what her next step was, it kind of CLICKED with me. "What about EAFC?" I asked. As you can imagine, her first reaction was "NO WAY".
I've learned! Don't push it! If God is in this, it WILL happen. I won't go into the details. I'll just say that Sarah's saying YES and my being able to tell the group that gathered today that EAFC has an executive director from the NEXT GENERATION absolutely overwhelms me with GRATITUDE.
God WANTS this ministry to continue! What a comforting thought for one who has struggled since 1997 wondering what God had in mind when He began EAFC.
Liberia and Rwanda are the focus for 2011. In 2012, we'll see what God says through Sarah's leadership as to how it is to develop, but I am confident that it'll be good.
In October, 2011, I get to introduce my friend to my friends in Uganda, Rwanda and Kenya. Oh, I have LOTS of other friends in Africa who Sarah will probably have to meet on her own, but it is my privilege THIS YEAR to facilitate the transition from one generation to another.
Will you pray?
Oh, and by the way, I LOVED being able today to share with those who came stories that didn't make the blog. For those of you who would have liked to have been there, I would still be willing to share stories at your churches or Sunday School classes, or with some of your friends. Can you tell my passion hasn't died down? In fact even now, Sarah and I have been invited to a round table women's group August 26. I'm hoping that the WOMEN OF PURPOSE chapter that is being formed right now in Ganta Liberia will have a report that we can share.
Will you pray? Will you write me back?
You are very important to me! Many of you kept me going during those seven weeks that at the time seemed long and often hard. Today, as I predicted, those weeks are a vapor that I hope has significantly changed me and maybe you too. Let me know.
Your itenerate missionary,
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