Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Remember Kisses from Katie; Well, Here's ANOTHER ONE to FOLLOW


This picture was taken in Hattiesburg in August, 2009 at EAFC's Jubilante Africa event.  
(We were trying to help Christians in Hattiesburg to "GET ON BOARD the AFRICA EXPRESS" and learn how EAFC operates in more than one country in Africa.)
But when this picture was taken, it was SECOND time I'd met Whitney. And here she was manning a table for us at our event!

I'd first met Whitney on a chance encounter in Nakuru, Kenya.  We both were staying at the same guesthouse which is an easy setting for making new friends.  First a young lady from some state far like "Michigan" greeted our team.  When we told her where we were from, she told us one of their team members was from Mississippi.

It was WHITNEY, who  we THEN discovered  knew our nephew, Pate. Small world, right?
When we got home, Whitney wanted to help us with our special event, and now 2 years later, having finished her first year at William Carey University, she wrote me,

"I am beyond excited to be writing you to inform you of what the Lord has been doing within this past year...... God has been stirring my heart for international missions again.  After going to Kenya two years ago, I have had a longing to go back to Africa to be a part of what God is doing there.......God has called me to be a good steward of my time, and I have a summer that could easily be wasted away.  But God has called me to make the most of my summer......... I've been led to an orphanage in Uganda...... I have been accepted as a volunteer at EKTSA orphanage for special needs children in Uganda.  I will be going to be the hands and feet of Christ this summer for 2 months."

THINK I "might" find some coins to send Whitney?  I think so!
And while communicating with her, I'm telling her about Kisses from Katie, about another young woman who has been willing to forsake the "normal" American life to impact children, yes, ALSO in Uganda!

It'll be fun to follow what God does in Whitney's life this summer, won't it?

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