Thursday, May 10, 2012

Is it Naivety, Forgetfulness that causes Prayerlessness

This morning I am struck by news I received yesterday from Africa that hurt deeply.  I hurt for those I love.  The ripples from the rock that ruffled what appeared to be calm waters has potential to be a tsunami.

OK so now I pray?  Yes, I am convicted that it takes shocking news to wake me from my complacency and belief in the goodness of man.  If only I knew my Bible better; I mean REALLY knew it.  If only I applied what I know.
"The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked; who can know it?"

Just recently I watched John Piper, retiring pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minnesota preach to fellow pastors at the Together for the Gospel conference.  This was held in Louisville, KY in April.  Go to  if you want to watch John Piper tell about his amazement that he is still a Christian.  I "thought" I understood when I watched him preach, but this latest news has made me question how thoroughly I appreciate my own sin and how far I can still fall if not relying on Jesus.  I excuse my "little sins."  WHY do I do that?  hummmm gets back to that Scripture I just quoted, doesn't it?

I guess it doesn't matter much whether I am naive or just plain forgetful if the end results in that I don't pray.  Will you join with me in recommitment to praying for our brothers and sisters, missionaries, pastors, church elders, friends, family who name the name of Christ?  There's a lot at stake.  We live in uncertain times, and this has been a wake up call to me.  Will you join me in prayer?

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