I know; I know! We Baby Boomers are famous, but not always for good reasons. There are a lot of us; we're getting "old", and health care is going to be expensive for you young ones to pay for. Social Security will probably be insolvent before all of us die. We have worked hard (as a rule). We fought and died in the Vietnam War never having gotten a thank you from our country, and yet we grew out of the "hippies" and became productive citizens. Our children have grown up acquiring material possessions that it took us years and years to accumulate. We're amazed by their stuff, there salaries they demand at young ages, and the ways they have influenced culture.
I know a lot about all this because I am one of 4 Baby Boomers in my family, married to 4 more; having raised 14 grandchildren for my parents and have contributed 12 great grandchildren to my father. I've heard my father's stories of life in "the depression" what it was like fighting in WW!!. He has been as amazed by how we changed culture as I have been by our children.
My children are approaching "middle age"/ how could THAT BE? But, shoot, I'm STILL YOUNG. I teach college students and have young friends in Africa that I regularly connect with. I LOVE THE YOUNG!!!!!!
I've recently attended a women's conference and was blessed beyond words by the teaching of young women. I worshiped with thousands of them that weekend. I heard some tell that their husbands were keeping the little ones so they could be there. I watched others take care of tiny ones so they could attend. It was an awesome experience.
I read a book recently that a few have told me "makes them feel guilty" because they are not giving their lives in very hard conditions like the author . The book didn't affect me that way; I was just amazed that one SO YOUNG would even THINK those thoughts, be willing to make those sacrifices, follow her heart and passion. I was simply IMPRESSED. I think she'd be amazed to hear how a few have interpreted her efforts.
And then today I strategized with ANOTHER YOUNG WOMAN. We've never SEEN each other's FACES, (though on Skype, she does have posted the cutest picture of her and her beloved in their wedding attire.) We connected through a MUTUAL FRIEND from Rwanda.
Our mutual friend is a BRIDGE BUILDER. He thinks BIG! I LOVE THAT ABOUT HIM, and today's NEW FRIEND seems to be JUST LIKE DAVID. I can't wait to meet her. Already we've connected one another to other people we can learn from.
We are even considering ways we could build a business that could have residual income that would not only fund our ministries but could lead into ways that friends on the continent could develop their own businesses. PLEASE ask me HOW! You might help us with this!
AH, the DETAILS are SO SKETCHY; I guess that's why I've shared this with you. Your ideas; your prayers; your care expressed so helps. It's like a shot of adrenalin to me!!!! What are ideas people without those who fill in the details.? Will you pray with me for those to come along?
Look up www.loverowan.com; recheck eafc.net TOO!!!
Soon eafc.net is going to be updated! Soon, we will be able to keep it much more current than we have in the past. Soon, but not sure how soon, we'll be able to regularly send newsletters directly to your inboxes.
But I am about to close this posting without giving you LOTS of those reasons for loving young people that I promised in the title to this post. You know what though? I'll bet you can fill in the holes. I'll bet you can tell it's more than just energy, ideas, commitment, passion that I love, but today I found a young lady who has gotten to know God in such a unique way that those who know her have been able to tell the difference BEFORE and AFTER. Now, that's someone I want to learn from.
Thanks, Kelsey! I think I'm in for an adventure!
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