Friday, January 28, 2011

Pictures of Children Learning

Sarah's Grandmother shares with the children about the country she will soon visit.

Learning about Liberia at First Presbyterian Day School in Jackson, Mississippi

Amani ya Juu a sewing ministry in Africa is opening a branch in Liberia.  The children show Amani push toys, or puppets and the way American children enjoy playing with them.

How do I say FRIEND in your language?

Today the second graders, eager to make friends with children in Liberia began to learn about the world in which their new friends live.  They learned where Liberia is in Africa.  They learned how much their flag looks like the U.S. flag since some Liberians ancestors used to live in the U.S.

Next week they will write letters to their friends.  They learned that in Kenya the Kiswalihi word for FRIEND is RAFIKI.  In their letters, they might ask the children how to say FRIEND in their Mother Tongue.  We all have lots of questions, and hopefully, as I get to meet these children who get the letters, I can write back to my second grade RAFIKI(s) and tell them what I am learning.  Maybe I can take pictures of those children to share with the children here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Countdown has begun

I am now visiting with close family and friends for the last time before I leave. In 2 days I will spend time again with Sarah's second grade class. They are writing letters to children in Liberia for me to take. Hopefully they will look at pictures I post showing the faces of these children and telling them stories as I Hear them.

I am about to finish reading the President of Liberia's book, This Child Will Be Great. It is well written and giving me lots of insight.

Why am I going to Liberia? The short answer is to teach. A bit more involved than that is that I desire to serve some who deeply desire to learn and have had tremendous setbacks due to war in their country. Life is hard in normal conditions if judged by a typical Westerner, but add war to that, and I don't think we can understand.

Another goal of this trip is desiring to FACT FIND for EAFC so that this ministry can become even more effective in its desire to train leaders on the continent of Africa who are Being directed by their churches who need them Trained.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Today's news adds ways I need prayer

Yes, I know I'm "not a spring chicken."  The internist yesterday, who basically gave me a clean bill of health, reminded me that if we (people my age)  were honest and looked at ourselves in the mirror, we'd  observe that the outside of us doesn't look like it did when we were 18. (even though in our heads we are the same person.)  Well, he said, the inside of you doesn't either.

Today's doctor to visit was my eye doctor.  I've had problems in the past with my left eye, but today's visit revealed significant deterioration.  WOW!   So, that's the inside of me that has most changed since I was 18, and boy, what an important organ, your eyes.  I received an injection in my eye today and will get another one FEB 17.  The day I arrive in Liberia, I'll finish the round of antibiotic drops.

So, I share with you, my friends, an unexpected way I am preparing for this trip.  Will you pray for my eyes?  Will you pray that I trust and obey? Will you pray that I fill my calendar these last 5 weeks with activities that help me prepare and arrive rested and ready to work?
Your fellow pilgrim and friend!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Second Grade Project for Children in Liberia

This is GRANDdaughter Sarah's Second Grade Class.  Ms. Tidwell is the teacher.  One Friday in December when I was the "Surprise Reader", the children asked lots of questions about Liberia.  Out of that interest came a project.  They are going to send letters around Valentine's Day for me to take to children in Liberia.  God's Kingdom is all over this world.  What fun to be able to connect some of them with each other.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Feeling God's Hand on my Back

Eric Liddell from Chariots of Fire  felt God's presence when he ran.  I feel God's hand on my back as I prepare to run the race that is set before me.  This morning Barry and I listed together all those we're aware of who have been a support team for me while I've been preparing for this journey in faith.

Dr Chinchen said in an email to me this morning referring to my question about counsel on trip insurance that it was "my call".  "You've been to Africa," he said.  "You know the uncertainties."  Yes, I do, and so I'm motivated to create this new post, asking that I (we/Barry and me) be filled with God's wisdom.  May we discern what is God's will concerning trip insurance, purchasing "Apple Care" for the equipment that I take with me, etc.

Last night I had the privilege of spending an evening with my friend, Sarah.  We not only cooked together, visited, played on Facebook, but she was a tremendous help to me putting in the computer slides I could use in class.  Together, we searched Scripture to find a verse that could be the biblical mandate for Public Speaking. (It's helpful that she studied in college the same courses that I am going to teach.)  I decided on James 1:26 with cross referencing verses to help digest its meaning as it applies to this course.   I'm using Ephesians 4:1-16 for the other course.

In the weeks ahead, I'll begin to think "summer clothes".  I'll see how much can fit in 2 suitcases that can't exceed 50 pounds each.  How much paper do I pack? (books included)  How do I get in the letters to Liberian orphans from the First Presbyterian second graders?  How much extra personal supplies do I purchase, knowing there's no Walgreen there if I should run out?

I love your comments back to me.  Keep them coming.  They feel like God's hand on my back!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Regarding Friends Commenting

I just talked with someone close to me  (won't name names) who said she'd "commented" 3 times on this blog.  As we talked, we figured out that she's trying to use google, twitter or something like that when all she needs to do is hit "post comment".  That's the same thing as "send" to those of us who are just used to emailing.

I write about this because writing me comments is REAL important to me.  I want to hear from you!
Now, let me go study.