Friday, January 14, 2011

Today's news adds ways I need prayer

Yes, I know I'm "not a spring chicken."  The internist yesterday, who basically gave me a clean bill of health, reminded me that if we (people my age)  were honest and looked at ourselves in the mirror, we'd  observe that the outside of us doesn't look like it did when we were 18. (even though in our heads we are the same person.)  Well, he said, the inside of you doesn't either.

Today's doctor to visit was my eye doctor.  I've had problems in the past with my left eye, but today's visit revealed significant deterioration.  WOW!   So, that's the inside of me that has most changed since I was 18, and boy, what an important organ, your eyes.  I received an injection in my eye today and will get another one FEB 17.  The day I arrive in Liberia, I'll finish the round of antibiotic drops.

So, I share with you, my friends, an unexpected way I am preparing for this trip.  Will you pray for my eyes?  Will you pray that I trust and obey? Will you pray that I fill my calendar these last 5 weeks with activities that help me prepare and arrive rested and ready to work?
Your fellow pilgrim and friend!

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