Sunday, January 2, 2011

Regarding Friends Commenting

I just talked with someone close to me  (won't name names) who said she'd "commented" 3 times on this blog.  As we talked, we figured out that she's trying to use google, twitter or something like that when all she needs to do is hit "post comment".  That's the same thing as "send" to those of us who are just used to emailing.

I write about this because writing me comments is REAL important to me.  I want to hear from you!
Now, let me go study.


  1. Can anyone help us figure out why my "friend" is having problems using this posting a comment. I told her to ignore "Comment as:" and to just hit Post Comment below that.

    Is that what those of you do who find this working?

  2. I love you Val and I'm praying....can you email me the names of the students ? God is so faithful in so many ways....can't wait to hear all about it.

  3. I have emailed the names. If others want it, just ask. It'll be fun to learn how to pronounce some of those names!
