Tuesday, June 10, 2014



I see I got one post recorded the brief time I had Internet in Sierra Leone. It is out of sync recorded.  Let me try again.  As I board planes today for the final leg of this African adventure, I realize that even days traveling like this are not wasted.  See what I recorded more than a week ago as we began our travel.

May 31,2014
Why would one ever consider recording a day spent on an airplane? How can that entertain, enlighten, or edify?

Maybe I write to amuse myself as I sit these last two hours before touchdown on the African continent, even though we will still not yet have arrived in Liberia.

Health is maintained through balance between food intake quality, exercise, stress management and sleep.  With that in mind it is easy to see that my body has by necessity been stretched.  Even though I ordered gluten free food, it has been far from nutritious.  Even though we walked and stretched at ever available moment, those moments have been limited. Stress management and sleep have been challenged by crying babies, crowded seats, dry air.

Ok. Lest one thinks I only see the glass half empty, let me quickly change the subject to Annah and Alioh from Zimbabwe, who actually live in Dallas but are returning to South Africa, Botswana and Zimbabwe for two months.  Between Dallas and London we formed a friendship that only happens when people share a common love for their God and Savior.  We will see one another again, I am sure.  Then I rejoice in this last leg of the trip with the empty seat beside me.  First class can't be much better; well, maybe their food is.

Last of all I share the book I have returned to repeatedly throughout the journey which won't get finished due to "low Battery". No, maybe I can continue.  Peggy has a real copy of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus.  We are going into a world where the worldview clashes are evident on a daily basis.  The loudspeakers that call to worship from mosques are a daily reminder of the presence of two very different views of eternal truth.  May God help us as we learn, as we discuss, and as we leave our copies of this book with our friends in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

We are ready to get there!

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