Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 5's PLAN B

What were the lessons of June 5?  Maybe some of you will comment and help us put together the pieces of this day spent very differently from what we had planned.
The irony of our picture taken the night before on the beach in Sierra Leone with our new friends by a sign of a restaurant named   "PLAN B"  We had no idea when we posed for that picture that we were about to experience PLAN B, C and D!
June 5
Fitful sleep knowing I had to get up at 5:30 for a six o clock departure for the ferry.  Besides that my room never got dark nor the a.c. get cool.  Thankfully though I feel good.

Franklyn and Samuel were prompt.  We left in heavy rain.  Our plan had been to buy economy ferry tickets 3,000 ( less than a dollar) but our hosts recommended against that plan.  First class 10,000 Leones ($4.50) now seems like a silly amount for us to quibble  about. I guess we don't want to appear to be rich Americans who can't tough it.  Franklin's reasoning ,however, made sense.  We would more likely find people who would not try to take advantage of us and possibly could find someone with a vehicle who would be willing to take us from the ferry to the airport.  So as we traveled we prayed that God would show is how to approach people respectfully and know the right people to contact.  Our Guardian Angels, however ,turned out to be Tayo and his friend Allisun who worked with him. Tayo is  from Nigeria but Allisun is from Sierra Leone. Franklyn met them before we even got on the ferry.  He introduced them to us.  We told them we were only learning their names that they had already been prayed for.  Tayo carried my suitcase onto the boat, a real blessing . Not that I couldn't have done it but there were many obstacles to step over.  He will share a taxi with us the rest of the way.

As one would expect by now if you have followed these posts, I can't conclude without reference to food.  We have pictures of Peggy and me eating our cucumber that Franklyn bought us the other night.  I have never eaten a cucumber for breakfast followed by cocoa dusted almonds, but I am thankful for nutrition 

We are about to disembark.  Until later!

"Later" will take another page. " Later "was a very long day. " Later" finds is still in Sierra Leone. "Later" has us pondering what all this was about.  It may take a very long time or maybe never before God shows us what "later" was all about.

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