Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saniquelle, GB and Morning Walks

Yesterday I posted a few pictures of the morning walk I took with 2 friends.  I was overwhelmed with the beauty; they were strategizing about policies and ways to help the students more.  Today we walked again, but this time we tried to focus on WORSHIP.  What a sanctuary God gave us in which to worship, such a contrast from the manmade building I expect to see in a few hours when we go to church.

Barry and I got to talk a long time on Skype yesterday/ few interruptions from the internet or other distractions, so we had a wonderful and long conversation.

I'm breaking up my stay this way.  Vicki, Dean of Education and my housemate will be here one more week;  then I'm in this house alone for 2 weeks;  my friend Peggy comes the week that the University is dedicated/ QUITE a BUSY WEEK THEN.  After that, I'll have 2 weeks to wind down with my 2 courses.

The adjustments continue but last night I had my best night's sleep since I left home.  I'm not as overwhelmed by it all.  Last night, however, my STOMACH had an opportunity to ADJUST after the noon "course" Peter gave me in the Dining Hall on how to eat GB  (the mashed up cassava).  I've been told that they like it because it swells in your stomach.  Yes, that's the way I would describe how my stomach felt.  Good food, however, for supper really did help me.

Another adventure I had yesterday was going 26 km to Saniquelle City to their market with the team of men from Stepping Higher Missions (a construction team here building the Communications Building)  I loved the time with this great group, and the experience in the Market was educational.  I've never in Africa seen  so many stalls with EXACTLY the same merchandise.  Oh, how I wish they had a manager, an entrepreneur to help organize their efforts.  If there could be some that would experiment in growing a NEW CROP, have some variety to offer. (I'd like to suggest some vegetables!)  The smell of the dried fish (TONS of it) might have contributed to my later stomach events; I'll never know for sure.  I just find that wherever we go, we're always trying to discover ways that we can help the people have a better life.

Entrepreneurial Leadership is a course they plan to introduce here. yeah!  They need MATH and ECONOMICS training too. Whatever discipline, I do know there is a need for GOOD TEACHERS!  But, what do I really know, I've only been here a week and I'm trying to say what  people need.  What I know is that we all need more of God, His love, His wisdom, His righteousness.  May that be all our experiences as we interact these next 6 weeks.


  1. I agree with this comment. "What I know is that we all need more of God, His love, His wisdom, His righteousness. May that be all our experiences as we interact these next 6 weeks." Val even in Africa you inspire me.
    Much love and just know you are lifted up in prayer.

  2. Nita, I never expected the enemy to attack back home but it looks like that is what has happened. This is from my heart to yours. I will write more in an email. I love your commenting; that keeps me going. I teach Public Speaking in 3 hours FOR 3 hours and then tomorrow morning I teach Public Relations. I do that 3 days in a row for 3 hours each. Needing LOTS of prayer on lots of fronts.

  3. Oh, I forgot to tell you how my stomach BLEW up after eating GB. This morning in chapel, Peter told me it does that to some Liberians. Thanks a lot for telling me now, Peter. ha!
