Friday, February 25, 2011

Volley Ball "Sponsor"

It was a NICE diversion; though my red team lost.  They're good players; all of them. ( "My" sophomores were on both teams.)
I am thankful for 2 days of planning.  I may not get many more; grading might take over any extra time I have.  I am going on an early morning walk tomorrow  (it's cooler then)  That'll be my first time off campus since I got here. I hope I remember my camera.  The mountains around here are lovely.

I'm having problems getting my newest pictures to show up when I try to upload.


  1. Hey sis, you know how you gave me the journal to write what I am doing in keeping your back side while you are on the front side? Well, I am into it and therefore, not reading the blog as currently as I need to in order to keep up with your extraordinarily busy life!! Oh my, what a schedule you are keeping. I feel your moments of being overwhelmed. I feel you panic over going too fast for the students and wanting it to be meaningful. All the changes, the sports, the preps, the added hours, the new people and faces, trying to remember names..... can the list of adjustments grow anymore? I love seeing your pictures. Chapel is lovely. The mountains are nice too, but the faces of Linda and the bread girl are beautiful. I will pray for Linda tomorrow. I hope that these comments are coming through to you so that you can see that I am praying and keeping up with you. Sorry to hear that Skype conversation was not particularly satisfying. I know that you miss Barry and he misses you. As you said in one of your blogs, God is faithful in giving you what you can take and not a bit more. By the way, do they have wine there? Is that taboo? I'm trying to decide if I could ever do a mission trip. SMile. I love you soooooo much. Boogie

  2. Thanks for sharing some details, Val, as well as lovely pictures. Praying for you and trusting God will equip you for ALL you have to do. He is faithful,and He WILL do that which He has promised! Much love to you, Janet, Richard and family
