Thursday, February 24, 2011

What a Difference a Day Can Make

My housemate is the dean of education at ABCU.  As we were chatting today, she discovered that I am not meeting my classes enough hours for the students to earn 3 hours credit by the 10th of April.  When she brought this up to the college president, he thanked her for noticing.

So, what does that mean to me?  LOTS.  I WAS teaching Tuesday and Thursday for 3 hours each, giving me time to prepare, grade and meet informally with my students.  So, what's changed?  Now, I am teaching Public Relations 6 hours on T/Th from 8 to 11.  I teach Public Speaking Monday/Wed from 3 to 6 P.M.  AND I have SOME Saturday classes for both sprinkled in. (chapel is 7:30 each morning; sponsoring a sports team is on Friday afternoons, faculty meetings are Tues. afternoon, and staff Bible Study is Wed night.)

I quickly got overwhelmed when I had to teach Tuesday morning with no time to prepare.  Then Wednesday was helpful in having a day in the office to prepare for today.  Today was FUN with the students, though I must admit I felt like I was throwing more at them than they could possibly absorb.  So for their sakes I'm happy to be able to slow down a bit.

For me, I'm struggling not to feel overwhelmed again.  And yet, He who called me is able.  I believe He did call me, and I KNOW He is able, therefore, I will rejoice in this added load.  That's not to say I wouldn't appreciate my friends praying for me on a regular basis.  I haven't yet gotten off this campus. Maybe Saturday afternoon after I teach I can take a walk.  Until then, I'll post a few more pictures of the sights around "my new home."

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