Sunday, April 3, 2011

Informal Learning

"He who graduated yesterday and quits learning today is uneducated tomorrow."

I learned this my last year at Ole Miss, not remembering who said it, but  it still makes an impact on me.  I think it is soooo true!   On Wednesday and Thursday, I'll meet 3 hours each with the 2 sections of sophomores.  The only "official" business we'll have is going over their exams which I hope I have graded.  But there's sooo much more I want to cover.  Will they care?  Will they want to learn when there's not a grade associated with the content?  I'll let you know what I discover.

Mt Nimba was a good worship experience for me today.  I was the only light skinned person there.  I felt very honored and welcomed not just by the people I know but others as well.  We sang from hymn books.  (2 versions so they'd call out two different page numbers).  I had not realized how dry I was to worship with VERSES, words in front of me, something familiar.  I don't know which of those items I just mentioned was paramount in my mind today.  All I know if that I came away having been fed from the preaching, singing, and taking The Lord's Supper.  Yes, God gave me public worship as His means of grace to bless my life!

As I told you earlier, lunch on Sundays is cold, but the temperature in the house is not!  We didn't get a fan until after 3 P.M. so I went out and sat on "my" bridge (the one the team built that I showed several weeks ago) , in the shade, listening to the water skim the rocks.  When I returned home, I had a fan and got to talk with Barry a bit until internet started acting up.  Thankfully, Pete is the "go to man" and my roomies who returned this afternoon were hungry to talk to their families and called Pete over to help us out.  YEAH!  It worked, so I can write this!

Am I just rambling now?   Am I still learning?  In a nice, long email from my sister today, she commented that she could see me staying here on a more permanent basis.  Could I?  Right now, I really want to see my family.  It takes a lot of work here  even  to relax.  I'm tired.
But on the other hand........... get the picture?

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