Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Is Your Plumber This Responsive?

"The Girls" as I call them have gone to Ma Becky's as they call her.  This Fashion Show is SO HUGE.  You just can't imagine all the preparation going into it.  It is an event that I doubt Liberia has ever seen. (I know I haven't.)   They even have a modeling coach here from Monrovia this week to train the girls.  There is a Kenyan choreographer coming to teach the 5 guys who've been selected to dance.  I'm amazed by the talent and work ethic of "my girls". They are so young to be so professional and knowledgeable.  Becky consults them on almost all decisions. 

But I began this blog to tell about "my plumber".  The Girls showered after their walk and the shower sprung a leak.  Naturally, I'm the only "unclean" member of "this family."  We can't seem to have enough towels or mats to absorb the stream of water flowing.  At first we were told that they'd just have to turn off the water, and we'd have to wait until tomorrow.

I'm kind of used to adjustments by now, but not having the big drum of water drawn like in other Liberian homes that don't have running water made me see that  spending a night without water would be considered by me "as a hardship."

Thankfully, the plumber has shown up.  Now, let's hope he can fix the problem.  At least you've got to give him an A+ for coming.

Tonight we had FRESH PORK.  My mother-in-law would have loved this.  It came from the Betty Jonah Orphanage, and portions of it were given to all the houses on campus for our guests during the dedication.  We didn't need it, so we had ours tonight.  That, with our much appreciated portion of sweet and sour slaw and Pecan Rice that I had brought from home was our supper.  We all liked it, though I'm beginning to wonder whether I'll ever want cabbage again when I get home.

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