Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Processing EAFC's Involvement with Liberia

Educating Africans for Christ asked me while in Liberia to assess whether or not I thought the church there would be enthusiastic to working with this ministry.  I will post later the open letter that we have given to our newest friends for them to share among the body of believers in that nation of 3 million people.  (Over 1 million of them live in Monrovia.)
These men pictured are some of the decision makers for their denomination, and each one

of them enthusiastically endorsed the
idea of working with EAFC for many years
to come.
EAFC has for years now insisted on church partners, but we have allowed potential
students that we would meet and were impressed with to tell their church leaders
about the ministry and the possibilities available.  What we found often was many churches with less than adequate knowledge to actually pick up the mantle of leadership EAFC was requiring.  It wasn't a lack of desire, but there was a lack of understanding or buying into the philosophy of cooperation EAFC was seeking to establish.  How could they assume responsibility that they didn't fully understand or agree to. 

After our meeting, I'm looking forward to their initiating a Letter of Intent with our office.  After that memorandum of understanding, I believe there will be one selected man for 2011 and then more in subsequent years.  I believe there is potential for a long, healthy relationship with the ECUL church.  I worshiped Sunday in one of their churches.  The message was powerful, even though the pastor was suffering from malaria as he preached.  (I learned that from one of the other men, not from the pastor.)

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