Friday, November 11, 2011

Angel With a Broom

Guardian Angel with a broom
Are you like me, having a tendency to take for granted those who are familiar to you, who have been God’s vehicles for blessing you for a long time?  Do you ever forget to really thank your family or friends when they act as your “Guardian angels”?  I know I do.
I can’t imagine all the work the 3 J’s did for us BEFORE we arrived in their countries.  Joseph researched and got all our internal flights booked.  He texted all the alumni, arranged meetings, secured snacks, made appointments.  He was in daily contact with us as we planned.  We never had to wonder whether anything was being taken care of.  Sometimes knowing that when we were still in Daylight Savings Time that he was +8 hours ahead of us, I’d email him,  ‘GO TO BED, JOSEPH.”  I’d KNOW how late he was up taking care of one more detail needed for our care.
We KNOW that this trip would have been a very stressful experience if we’d had to arrange our transportation, book all our meetings, depend on email alone to contact our students and alumni.  But instead we were always picked up promptly, protected, had questions answered and on and on.
Yes, JOSEPH, JAMES and JEAN PAUL, we love you all!
So, who’s the guardian angel with a broom?
I wish I knew his name.
Saturday night (Nov 5)  Joseph met our airplane coming back from the Sarova Mara from our 2 days in the Masa Marai.  (I’ll tell about that experience later.)  We celebrated our last meal together at a tourist “trap” The Carnivore, which today is misnamed since they no longer serve the wild game of yesteryear.  We did have crocodile, camel and ostrich though.  But I’ve really made a diversion from my story.
We THOUGHT we’d planned the evening so that we’d arrive at the airport by 8 for the 11 PM flight to Amsterdam and on to Atlanta and JACKSON, but alas, even on a Saturday night the traffic in Nairobi wasn’t to be predicted accurately.  (soccer stadium we passed with a game going on and then a wreck along the way changed our arrival time drastically)
You can imagine that tension was beginning to mount.  When we did arrive, Joseph dropped us curbside, our assuring him that we could manage 2 big suitcases each plus our carry ons.  Yes, I guess we over estimated our abilities a bit, but once again we saw how God was in control.
There was a man standing outside the LONG line forming for people to make the initial clearance into checking in.  He had a broom and dust pan in hand; I imagine that was his job for the airport.  But as he observed our awkwardness and confusion as to where we were to go, he offered to help.
“Here,” he offered. “Down here is a shorter line.” 
Sure enough he was right.  We maneuvered through that obstacle course only to once again cue up for another line taking us to weigh our luggage.  But to our amazement, there was our NEW FRIEND AGAIN.  He picked up those heavy suitcases, put them back on the carts once weighed and again pointed us where to go next.
Now, why didn’t I think to tip him?  I’ve asked myself that many times since Saturday night.  And all I can now do is just pray and ask Him who knows his name, is aware of his needs and loves him show him the love of Jesus who never forgets anything that might bless us. And I pray for me too that I become a more alert person, ready to show appreciation to God’s guardian angels placed along life’s paths.

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