Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I must include a picture of Francine from 2010, but before showing you her picture from that trip, let me first share part of the story.  Addy’s brother David Mwambari calls himself a bridge builder, and I think that is probably an accurate description.  
At Ntenyo Primary School in rural Rwanda is a structure that houses the tombs of his grandparents.  They were killed in the adjacent church during the 1994 genocide in that country.  With the passion first displayed by his grandfather, David has raised lots of money from all over the world to restore the school his grandfather had begun.
Not only does he bring teams each summer to work on the school but David identifies and mentors those who are the future leaders that will make the work successful.  EAFC is now helping THREE of those David introduced to us, Emile who has drawn architectural plans for the school’s expansion, Emmanuel who studies theology, and Francine.  It’s Francine that our team met in June, 2010.
At that time, Francine, spoke very little English.  It was difficult to get her to smile, and when she spoke, she was so soft spoken that we could hardly understand a word she did say.  There was nothing from appearance that would have told us she was being groomed to be Ntenyo’s future principal.  But David assured us that she was worthy of our support.
Addy Francine and Addy's brother David Mwambari

Child contemplating his future?

So here is her picture as we saw her then.  David is interviewing Francine in this 2010 picture.

Fast forward to October, 2011, and see Francine in action in her classroom.  No longer is she shy or reluctant to smile.  She’s passionate about learning to speak English, and we were privileged to get to watch her in action teaching personal pronouns to her class.  I will also include pictures of all the students as they greeted their visitors (us).  Later as we got to visit with Francine in the pastor’s home over a cup of tea, she told us that it was our previous trip that had encouraged her to study.  She thinks it is such fun to speak English.  Oh, to be able to come back to Ntenyo School in a few years after she has become the Principal and see a school that not only ranks 4th out of 10 on regional tests, but has raised up some more “Francines” would indeed be a privilege.

School children at Ntenyo wave to their visitors.

Children were so well disciplined

New part of school with blue roof.  Children were filing out of line, running back to their classrooms.

HERE IS FRANCINE in 2011.  Here we are enjoying a conversation with her.  Since 2010 she's gotten married and her grades at university are tops!

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