Friday, March 18, 2011

As I Listen to Rain on the Tin Roof, I Write

Educators take something simple and make it complicated. Communicators take something complicated and make it simple.”

I had LONG office hours today and had a steady stream of students stop by.  Actually, I was invigorated by it.  Each person's needs were a bit different.  With one, we discussed leadership development and together looked up John C Maxwell quotes on the internet.  BEING a COMMUNICATIONS teacher, you've got to know I loved the one I've just copied and pasted for you.

When I showed this to another student, you could tell "he didn't get it."  He was thinking way too literally.

Oh, as I walked this morning, I thanked God for a skill He'd allowed me to develop that I hadn't even known was special. After l I got here I found out how hard it is for people who haven't been taught critical thinking skills all their lives like I have to develop them (especially with the time we have together).  What a privilege has been mine to get the education that I have.

SEVEN weeks seems LONG when you are in the middle of it!  And yet in teaching it's a blip on the radar screen.  I now know and love my students and think it's mutual.  I'll be sad to leave them!

1 comment:

  1. Critical thinking--yes you are blessed to have been taught it through your family, education and sheer talent.
    Love, NB
