Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Talking With My Fingers

At 6:15 P.M, I'm eating potato logs and asparagus I got frozen in Monrovia.  (yes, I cooked it first.ha!)  May not sound gourmet, but my eyes gravitate to anything green.  I've asked for cucumbers, cabbage and garlic that I can usually get here in Yekepa, but alas, not this week.  I did buy 30 more eggs;  that's the quantity I have to buy.  Thankfully, Hannah and Stephanie like eggs too, for I imagine that they'll be eating these long after I'm gone.  It rained on the tin roof classroom while class was going on this afternoon.  Now, that's challenging anytime, but today, the only advantage I saw to it was that the air is now nice and cool.

Why did it make such a difference today?  Well, I taught from 8-11 this morning, talking constantly as I helped PR students understand how to give me work that would be acceptable/ yes, they are just like us all, waiting to the last minute to begin projects they knew were due on the first day of class.

Then I came home to eat a bite and GRADE papers.  I like to have FAST turn around with their work so that the learning can be reinforced and hopefully, they'll be motivated to keep working on projects still to finish.  From 1-3 I had a STEADY STREAM of students in my office, going over their outlines which all needed major revision.

From 3-6 I taught AGAIN.  So, now you see why my voice was SHOT by the time the rains came.  My fingers, however, still work, and I enjoy chatting with my friends this way. 

 I still have to pinch myself in realizing how SHORT I am for this place.  I'm almost looking around again for the very first time, savoring the discussions, the smiles, the lively discussions, the scenery and yes, even letting the tears absorb in my soul.

This afternoon one of my girls shed tears.  I'd just recently learned about the significant struggles she and her husband have experienced regarding housing.  I've reached out to her before but with 35 others, it's hard to keep reaching out when she didn't make the initiative.  I DO care about the "girls", the "women" who to just BE HERE is HUGE.  But how do I in 7 weeks shrink the gap?  
Could I have prayed more? You bet I could!
Could  I have been more available?  probably not, but with more prayer, I might have been wiser and more creative.

I DO CARE, and I think they know that.  Some are realizing that the lack of efforts are really going to affect the outcome of their grades.  They're appealing for extra credit, for bonus points, grabbing at anything.  The Administration has been very plain about my holding up the standards.  This isn't easy.  Can you tell?

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