Monday, March 28, 2011

George and Jutonue

I recognize George by his hat. When we were introduced, I was told he is the night guard. I think he "wears" many other hats though besides the straw, flat brimmed one I recognize.   Jutonue is his son that I have the privilege of teaching. He's an interesting young man, loves the game of soccer. For a while I wondered what his love had to do with a college education. But the more I get to know him, I see that he like his Dad has a lot more to him than soccer.

The other day I told my students go dress professionally for the field trips. Remember, I spoke of this in a previous posts. Well, Jutonue "tested" me. I won't describe his dress, but let's just say he stood out. When I asked him about it, he said he didn't have long pants. Several days later I found out that this wasn't the case when I saw him very appropriately dressed at the Dedication.  I playfully pointed it out to him. He got the point, smiling broadly when I commented.

Imagine how delighted I was when he made a good grade on his mid-term.  As I was coming in tonight from my walk, I ran into George leaving campus. I told him I was proud of his son. He came over to me to tell me how he appreciated the "pants" episode. I wonder how he'd heard. He told me to keep his feet to the fire, and insist he look professional.

I think I will.

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