Saturday, March 5, 2011

Breakfast At Home, Lunchtime Here

My housemate, Vicki, left this morning to return to the States.  I'll miss her company as well as the sifting through conundrums of life in which she's helped me.  But hey, her first GRAND is on the way.  If there's anything I can identify with, it's that.  I wonder what my 10 are up to today!  Is it as nice of weather in Mississippi as it is here?  At 12:30 P.M. the sun's shining, no sign of the HUGE storm that we had yesterday.  Vicki said that THAT storm was like "rainy season" (a moderate storm though)  Whew!  I'm surely glad God called me here during "dry season."

Yes, I AM enjoying a little quiet, down time today, looking forward to 4 P.M. when Barry and I plan to try to connect through Skype.  We've had mixed results trying to share life via phones (or even seeing one another with the built-in video)   Last night, however, it was good.  Ray, the IT man here from Nova Scotia said he'd made some improvements yesterday.  Therefore, I'm very hopeful that TODAY Barry and I will get to really talk.  I sure do miss him!

You can't feel "too sorry for missionaries" in the 21st century with all our gadgets, computers and the internet.  BUT the distance from the worlds we have left behind and the world God has called us to live is still a big divide.  I think my posts have recorded some of those perceptions.

One I'd like to briefly mention AGAIN, comes to mind AGAIN, simply because it's LUNCHTIME here and I'm hungry.  I get hungry a lot.  Is it psychological? perhaps!  Vicki and I do have different attitudes about food.  She's interested as I am in nutrition and health, but the experience of food, the fun of eating is not built into her like it is me.  Reheating leftovers is a little more complicated than at home.  The choices of what to eat are greatly limited from what I experienced just two weeks ago.

Lest you think I have forgotten my lesson on CONTENTMENT so quickly, let me assure you that this time I'm really not complaining, just observing, learning, and being stretched to apply "in THIS to give thanks."

Now, I'm off to LUNCH!  I wonder what it'll be!

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